Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Explaining to your toddler a new baby is soon to arrive.

NEW Baby.....How to explain to a toddler??

At first I would think how do I tell Erilin she will be a big sister without confusing her? Should I just flat out and tell her, but she might not understand that way. Or, should I break it down in small little ways. 

The small little ways was the way I went. I waited till we found out what the sex of the baby was going to be before I broke it down to her. So I took her with me to the doctor visit and told her to look at the screen. So when the baby finally popped up on the screen her dad and I told her "look its your sister!"
Honestly it was just repeating it to her that she will be having a little sister soon. I told her the name Bryn and she was able to say it so that was a big plus. 
Now that I am showing I just ask her simple questions from time to time. 
Like: Where is your baby sister at?
Are you excited to be a big sister?
Are you going to help me change your sister diaper?
and feed her?
Are you going too show your little sister all your cool toys and movies?
Things like that get her used knowing someone else is about to enter her life. I know she might not all the way understand it but its a start, and with kids you have to start somewhere. 
Just include your new little bundle of joy in daily things you do with your toddler. Every kids going to be different then Erilin so just try something out and see if it works. Parenthood is a trial and error most of the time. I hope this helped a little. 

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